Originally Posted by Jason B
I believe the way IS narrow.
Salvation is only through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. And it is only those who have been regenerated by the Spirit who are truly saved.
Jason, I could be wrong, but something tells me that you'll understand the meaning behind,
Ordo Solutis.
Please tell me what you think about this order of redemption (I had to write my soteriological understanding in this form to help my Reformed theology friends understand the deeper soteriological aspects of "Apostolic salvation"):
Order of Redemption:
1. Corporate Election (God's choice to save whosoever will enter into the body of Christ)
2. Predestination (God's predetermined glory for the church)
3. Atonement (Christ's work of satisfying the Law's condemnation for all who will enter the church)
4. Propitiation (Christ's satisfying God's wrath against sin for all who will enter the church)
5. Prevenient Grace (the Holy Spirit's drawing of the lost to Christ Jesus through both an inner and an outer calling)
6. Conversion (repentance & water baptism)
7. Justification (imputed righteousness received by faith at Conversion)
8. Regeneration (being born of the Spirit as a result of the baptism of the Holy Spirit)
9. Adoption (membership in God's family through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit)
10. Sanctification & Holiness (growing into Christlikeness by taking part in the divine nature provided by the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit)
11. Death (the cessation of physical life after which one enters the intermediate state wherein the soul is present with the Lord in Heaven awaiting resurrection & glorification)
12. Resurrection & Glorification (receiving a resurrected and glorified body fashioned perfectly after the image of Christ)
It should be noted, the UPCI wanders into the wilderness on point 10, making sanctification based on various legalisms instead of embracing holiness as an ontological reality.