Thread: More on Skirts
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Old 05-24-2017, 02:29 PM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: More on Skirts

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Again, this is an argument from silence.

There is no commandment commanding males in general to wear breeches or not to wear breeches. Therefore, I'd assume that if the Levitical garments became all the rave among the ancient Hebrew men, they would only be optional attire.
Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Additionally, the argument is that Deut 22:5 prohibits women from wearing things that "pertain to a man", pants are described in the Bible as only being worn by men, thus pants are Biblically something that "pertains to a man".

It is a very simple and straightforward argument. In fact, it is a simple syllogism:

No women can wear men's clothing.
Pants are men's clothing.
Therefore, women cannot wear pants.

No A is B.
C is B.
Therefore, no A is C.

A is "women can wear".
B is "men's clothing".
C is "pants".
Therefore, "no women can wear pants."

In order to refute the argument, it would have to be shown that either one or both of the premises are wrong, or that the conclusion does not follow from the premises if the premises are in fact true.

So far, A cannot be refuted, because it is a plain statement from Scripture.
B has not been refuted because only men in the bible wore pants and no women in the Bible are seen to be wearing pants.
The conclusion cannot be refuted because it follows necessarily from the two premises.

For example:

No cats are dogs.
Chihuahuas are dogs.
Therefore, no cats are chihuahuas.

Given the two premises, it is impossible for the conclusion to be otherwise. If no cats are dogs, and if chihuahuas are dogs, then it necessarily follows that no cat is a chihuahua. EVERY syllogism with this form: No A is B, C is B, therefore no A is C, must necessarily be correct and valid.

Corrections to the syllogistic diagramming appreciated.
Aquila, pay attention. This may help you.
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