Originally Posted by jediwill83
That's right. God told me to shave and that is a PERSONAL conviction and I do shave.
. . .
Bless you and may your bacon forever increase. Amen
I'm not saying this is the case for you Brother, I think in might be true in some cases.
I think sometimes when we feel we are having a personal conviction about something, it is actually peer pressure and wanting to be in agreement with our brethren rather than an actual person conviction.
Therefore a tender sincere hearted person might feel they are having a personal conviction from God about shaving or something else because they want to be obedient to their elders, and then later, after study and scrutiny of the issue, they may find that is wasn't a personal conviction at all.
They may then still continue the practice to be in agreement with the brethren even though they might not personally agree.