Thread: More On Beards
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Old 05-22-2017, 05:52 AM
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Re: More On Beards

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
I thought God spoke to you and told you to shave? I thought God told you to shave and that if you didn't you were rebelling against him?? So why the change of position?
That's right. God told me to shave and that is a PERSONAL conviction and I do shave.

I'm NOT in rebellion or seeking excuses to step outside of what God has commanded me to do.

My issue is the reasoning and logic used to preach against facial hair.

@Benincasa love your comment bro and with I could have been at that prayer meeting.

Sorry my post is a bit disjointed...long night.

The reasons other than personal conviction that I've seen for facial hair=sin...many not all seem to have little or nothing to do with scripture*except for the example given about the brother in blatently pride*

No, I'm not on any kind of crusade. With all the wet blankets and weirdos on here anything attempted to be started on here would be extenguished, smothered, picked apart, murdered from the starting line.

I've seen some of the same hateful trolling argumentative attitudes amongst other groups out on the world and it kinda saddens me to see it on display here...yeah yeah I have your "reasons" and you consider yourselves as though you're mocking the modern day prophets of Ba'al, but they are your brothers, they may have different views and they may be off on the other side of the spectrum from you, but they're still all our're all my brothers and my sisters and while the bombs and insults continue to be thrown, and you bask in your superior skills of arguing, projection and gaslighting, while you may win your argument, you are losing your brother.

Proverbs says,"A brother who is offended is harder to win than a fortified city."

If your brother is indeed taken in a fall, restore him, minister in reconciliation because he has gifts, talents, annointing that the body needs.

The only reason I'm tempted to harp on beards is the cultural attack against masculinity and the ever increasingly popular view that there are over 67 genders and for all the silly things we have used to justify preaching against facial hair*Well Disney doesn't allow beards...The homosexual wears the beard"

We have a serious attack rising up against our people and culture that the church is about to have a rude awakening with and we are going to have to cling to an anchor of Truth... real Truth and not one crafted of personal preference.

Blame this on insomnia and a upset stomach.

Bless you and may your bacon forever increase. Amen
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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