Originally Posted by Esaias
Okay, got it. And yes, the issue is bigger than just clothing - that's just a symptom.
Now, the culture of course demonizes men and masculinity. But which has the greater influence on men - secular culture? Or the church? If the church promoted biblical manhood, fatherhood, etc, then the influence of the secular culture would be nonexistent for the most part. You'd have all the sissy boys and macho girls of the world on one hand, and then you'd have real men and real women of the church of God on the other hand. the secular world would crumble within a few generations into a footnote of history.
So the problem is churches aren't teaching and modeling genuine Biblical manhood.
Either that, or too many men are watching Hollywood's garbage...
I can agree with the above. We had started a men's group to address men's issues and to build biblical manhood. Sons were welcome. The pastor seemed all for it. We had scheduled one meeting a week and one outing (camping, fishing, hiking, and the like) every quarter. The pastor shut it down within 6 months because he felt a "spirit of rebellion" in the leadership. He didn't like anything he wasn't in charge of personally. So many ideas, programs, efforts were shot down very quickly. He never said no. But he'd kill it before it got off the ground. I planned an outreach in downtown Dayton, Ohio, at the courthouse square. It was going to be a gospel concert and outreach. The choir was fired up. My wife had them practicing a list of songs, I had two special speakers from the church, and the pastor was to address the people. We had a trough for baptisms donated, and were to have tables set up for payer requests and tracts. He told me to run with it. And said the church would reimburse me any expense. So, I got the permit and reserved the square, I paid too rent all needed sound equipment, I purchased tracts and literature. It was even advertised on the radio (I pulled a favor from a friend). The pastor cancelled the night before. He also never reimbursed me for expenses involved with setting it up.
My point? Some churches have inactive disinterested men because all they want us to do is show up, pay tithes, and be quite. It's easy to lose your passion in a church like that.