Thread: More on Skirts
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Old 05-21-2017, 03:41 PM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: More on Skirts

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Saved people can commit sin and can error. Saved men have committed adultery. Saved women have beaten their kids. Of course, those who do need to get their hearts right. If they continue in such sin, they can face God's corrective judgments, or God might allow them to cross that fine line no man can see wherein they are indeed cut off from eternal life.

Remember, we don't own our wives. They aren't property. They have feelings, opinions, interpretations, understandings, hopes, dreams, fears, and aspects of their person that are entirely their own. A good Christian woman will seek to be loving and submitted, but for many if not most, it can be a struggle.

I've never known a husband who is right 100% of the time, nor a woman submitted 100% of the time.

And, I'll be honest, that one week a month, their whole personality can change. Hormones can be wonderful things...are they can be pure Hades. Lol

Love your wife as Christ loves the church, cherish, love, and nurture her as though she is your own flesh. As Christ gave Himself for us, give yourself for your bride. Live as an example, not a dictator. Be as gracious and merciful to her as Christ is to you.

If a woman isn't submitted, she is either strong willed...or you haven't been the example she needs. No woman will submit to a man that she can't trust or who is hard, or, who is merciless, or who never submits Himself, or who never apologizes, or who has acted in a manner that her image of him is unfavorable. In most cases I've seen, the moment the man discovers what servant leadership truly is...she'll come around.
Tell us your marital status and history, so we can know if you have any idea what you are talking about.
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