Thread: More on Skirts
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Old 05-20-2017, 05:21 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: More on Skirts

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I was actually posting more for Mr PuppyDog than you. But back to the point:

If there are no examples in the Bible of women wearing pants, then how does that lead to "pants can be worn by women" while believing the Bible is authoritative for Christian living?
First, we're not under the Law. The Law is an all or nothing proposition.

Second, it says, "pertaineth to a man" vs. ""pertaineth to a woman". I'm Scottish. Kilts pertain to a man, even though some could argue style and design is too similar to that of a skirt. Ladies Jordache, with the pretty little punk sequins on the butt, pertains to a woman, even if the design is similar to men's pants.

Men don't wear ladies jeans. Why? We inherently know they belong to a woman.
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