Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by Aquila
The prohibition in Deuteronomy is debated among scholars. Some have pointed out that the language indicates that women shouldn't dawn the attire of a warrior nor men the soft and long lady like attire and jewellery of women. Some argue that this also would forbid ancient Canaanite practices that included cult cross dressing. Most likely, all of these views have some truth to them.
Pants are nowhere in view seeing that neither male or female wore trousers in ancient Israel. Pants are a multicultural innovation from nations that typically had colder winter seasons. In those cultures, they were often worn by both men and women.
Cythian Russia
Scandinavian Nations
Pants inundated these cultures and were worn by both men and women. So, from those nations that created pants and wore them, they were not strictly for males.
You and the eskimos? Where in God's name do we have eskimos in covenant with God of the Old Testament? Was any of the law binding on Celts, or Russians during the Bronze Age? Where were the Eskimos during the Bronze Age? Were they even in the Americas? Aquila do you even have the slightest idea what on earth we are talking about in this thread? Do you understand the Bible has a prohibition against crossdressing for the Nation of Israel, and those who would be engrafted into them? Just like a prohibition against human sacrifice! Would you also like to list all the groups who sacrificed their newborn children? Aquila, men wore pants, women didn't. Easy to understand because the Bible is easy to understand.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence