Originally Posted by Aquila
Bible chapter and verse please. The three Hebrews in Daniel were captives and were wearing Babylonian trousers which were common in Babylon.
Aquila, you posted that
Deuteronomy 22:5 was a prohibition against pagan crossdressing. Then you said
Deuteronomy 22:5 prohibition was against mixing garment length. Now you are arguing that Hebrews who wouldn't eat pagan foods would now come against a prohibition against pagan dress?
Deuteronomy 22:5 is a prohibition against men dressing like women, and women dressing like men. The history and the Bible is against you.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Archeology. Pants were imported from other cultures.
Did they dig up the FED X scroll? Pants were male attire, plain and simple. History? Even Christendom proves this out. Hundreds of years of females wearing dresses, and men wearing pants. Joan of Arc wasn't burned at the stake for hearing voices, but because she was dressed as a male.