The record must be corrected. Historically "pants" were not only known, they were worn by multitudes of men in ancient history.
A quick couple of quotes from the ancient historian Herodotus:
“Thou art about, oh! king, to make war against men who wear leathern trousers, and have all their other garments of leather; who feed not on what they like, but on what they can get from a soil that is sterile and unkindly; who do not indulge in wine, but drink water; who possess no figs nor anything else that is good to eat.
pp 72-73
The Sacae, or Scyths, were clad in trousers, and had on their heads tall stiff caps rising to a point. They bore the bow of their country and the dagger; besides which they carried the battle-axe, or sagaris.
p. 68
Anyone who says differently whether under the guise of "research" or not is wrong and their "research" is terrible.
Concerning "Research"
Commentaries are considered secondary sources because they are full of opinions which are sometimes wrong. Herodotus is considered a primary source.
Godly men are known to have worn pants such as:
The priests
The 3 Hebrew young men
This has been mentioned before.
One question asked is how many godly women wore pants? They certainly existed because men are known to have worn them - godly men. So where are the godly women that wore pants?
The lack of evidence demonstrates the untenable position.
The fact remains:
Deu. 22:5 encompasses the fact that men are to wear the pants in the family - not women.