Originally Posted by Amanah
However, about the only difference is that women’s pants are usually tighter to draw the attention of men to parts of their body that they should not be thinking about, and they don’t have a zipper. Tight pants on women do not bode well as an argument for women’s pants among those desirous of godly living. The real truth about this “difference between pants” argument is that it is not an argument, but a vindication in hindsight for those who wish to justify a desired behavior.
Oh, I agree to an extent. I've seen pants that were far too tight on women.
But... I'm going to be blunt here. I pray you understand me, because if I candy coat it, I don't think you'll really get the full impact of what I'm saying.
Frankly, a woman in a dress or skirt is a far greater turn on than a woman in pants because it's "easy access". Having been in the Army, a woman with a dress or skirt is far more likely to flat-back than one wearing jeans. If she smokes, your chances are nearly 80%.
That's just been my experience.