Originally Posted by n david
I'm the sole income earner for a family of five. I looked at my income last year (2016) and my actual take home amount was barely $25K. I don't have cable tv or a car loan or a bunch of extras. We don't eat out except for special occasions. We frequent the farmers market for incredible deals on fruits and veggies. We don't live in the nice area or in an apartment complex with all the amenities. We live in a 2 bd duplex in a minority neighborhood where rent is $579/mo. We've been there three years, and unfortunately we're going to have to find a larger home soon, because the twins are two years old and getting bigger and our soon-to-be eight year old is needing her own room.
I grew up in a family of six. My parents made less than $20K a year. Home was paid by the time I was born. There was no internet until dial-up AOL came later on. We never went without food or clothes. I used to hate it because my parents bought our clothes at the Salvation Army thrift store or the local Disabled American Veteran's thrift store.
People can get by for less, but most of the time they're subscribed to a bunch of extras or eat out too much or just live beyond their means.

It really is about the management. Instead of a new car people could opt for a pre-owned car which can be bought and paid for, or at least have a shorter and smaller note with less insurance expense. People can do without individual cell phones, computers, cable and even God forbid the internet (I have had to).
Mothers at home can care about nutrition at the same time saving their families tons of money on dining out. People don't have to buy steak and all the high end groceries. vegetables are not that expensive at least not where I live. Children can share rooms contrary to popular opinion and make it on one bathroom.
Many mothers are able to homeschool and in the long run it is much cheaper. You don't feel the pressure to keep up with all the school fads, extra curricular activities, lunch money, snack money, etc. ... Home schoolers may be out 400-500 per child up front cost for books, but it doesn't compare to what children are costing their parents in public school.
I could name a ton of things we have done to survive in this world. People must be willing to learn to get by with less. My family doesn't spend a month's wages in order to go to a beach or amusement park. We do take small vacations fishing, camping, swimming and sometimes just relaxing. Some people are only happy if they are spending money. I am glad that my family and I are poor and happy.