Originally Posted by Esaias
Y'all need to check the beams in your own eyes before sitting on the throne of judgment, snowflakes.
This is why sometimes only I post a few scriptures, and then wait to see the response. Aquila and his love thy neighbor. I see how that worked out for him.
He sets me up with an "I know he'll evade the wording because EB is bad and Im good" Aquila wanted to tell us all about the love of Christ, as he ties me up and dances around my burning corpse. How funny, a woman wearing long sleeves and her hair up in a bun is legalism, but feigning love gets a pass. Aquila, who you are in the dark is who you are. Who you really are. When no one sees you.
Elijah and the prophets of Baal?
Aquila, one hint, you are no Elijah