Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
So, different strokes for different folks as long as they are in the narrow way called Christianity? Those who claim others with different opinions are going to hell are legalists? Was Paul a legalist when he penned the words in 2nd Corinthians 11:4? How did Paul show people to be happy to practice their own lifestyle (however they choose)? Yet, practicing what they believe with your respect is only to the narrow way and the strait gate? Are Catholics saved? Is Emma Neckbone and the Amish and Mennonites saved?
I am Apostolic Amish, because it's convenient for me. That means I follow
Acts 2:38 the hardline way. I also think you are lost and going to hell because you drive a car and don't preach headcoverings. You will make excuse because you are a compromiser. I say that with utmost love and respect.