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Old 03-21-2017, 12:34 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Dems Admit: No Evidence of Trump/Russia Conspi

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Yesterday, FBI Director James Comey confirmed that Donald Trump remains under active criminal investigation for alleged conspiracy,
That's a bit dishonest. Ironic how you bash Trump for tweeting a lie, yet you completely twist what Comey said. Trump isn't under an "active criminal investigation." The FBI is investigating "the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and Russia's efforts."

That's a direct quote from Comey. Later on, Comey is asked "If this committee or anyone else for that matter, someone from the public, comes with information to you about the Hillary Clinton campaign or their associates or someone from the Clinton Foundation, will you add that to your investigation? They have ties to Russian intelligence services, Russian agents, would that be something of interest to you?"

Comey's answer: "People bring us information about what they think is improper unlawful activity of any kind, we will evaluate it. Not just in -- not just in this context. Folk send us stuff all the time."

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
yet even as Comey was testifying live on national television Trump was busy tweeting yet another lie – falsely claiming that FBI Director James Comey and National Security Director Michael Rogers told Congress “that Russia did not influence the electoral process.” Trump is an idiot. Trump doesn't understand English well enough to understand that these men just explained that he's is still under investigation. lol
1) Comey and Rogers both stated the election results were not hacked, contrary to what was going around a while back. Yes, they believe the Russians gave information to Wikileaks to damage Hillary, but as far as the election being compromised, there is no evidence it was.

2) Again, I'm not sure you understand the FBI investigation. You post as though there's a criminal investigation focused on Trump. That's misleading, because it's not a criminal investigation and also because it's an investigation on Russian interference and whether anyone from Trump's campaign conspired unlawfully.
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