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Old 03-19-2017, 12:11 PM
n david n david is offline
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Dems Admit: No Evidence of Trump/Russia Conspiracy

It's time to put this fake issue to rest. Dems, Liberals, the msm (especially pMSNBC and specifically Rachel Maddow) have spent hundreds of programming hours claiming there was some conspiracy involving Trump and the Russians.

Finally, after stoking the fake issue into a raging, partisan inferno, some Dems are beginning to make the rounds to try and " tamp them down."

"""The latest official to throw cold water on the MSNBC-led circus is President Obama’s former acting CIA chief Michael Morell. What makes him particularly notable in this context is that Morell was one of Clinton’s most vocal CIA surrogates. In August, he not only endorsed Clinton in the pages of the New York Times but also became the first high official to explicitly accuse Trump of disloyalty, claiming, “In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”

But on Wednesday night, Morell appeared at an intelligence community forum to “cast doubt” on “allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.” “On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire at all,” he said, adding, “There’s no little campfire, there’s no little candle, there’s no spark. And there’s a lot of people looking for it.”""

This is huge. But Morell isn't the only one backpedaling:

"""Morell’s comments echo the categorical remarks by Obama’s top national security official, James Clapper, who told Meet the Press last week that during the time he was Obama’s DNI, he saw no evidence to support claims of a Trump/Russia conspiracy. “We had no evidence of such collusion,” Clapper stated unequivocally. Unlike Morell, who left his official CIA position in 2013 but remains very integrated into the intelligence community, Clapper was Obama’s DNI until just seven weeks ago, leaving on January 20."""

It goes on:

""""Perhaps most revealing of all are the Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee — charged with investigating these matters — who recently told BuzzFeed how petrified they are of what the Democratic base will do if they do not find evidence of collusion, as they now suspect will likely be the case. “There’s a tangible frustration over what one official called ‘wildly inflated’ expectations surrounding the panel’s fledgling investigation,” BuzzFeed’s Ali Watkins wrote.

Moreover, “several committee sources grudgingly say, it feels as though the investigation will be seen as a sham if the Senate doesn’t find a silver bullet connecting Trump and Russian intelligence operatives.” One member told Watkins: “I don’t think the conclusions are going to meet people’s expectations.”"""

Are you reading this, Aquila? JD?

Speaking of our resident libs, I remember one in particular speaking out against Congress's investigation of Clinton, and how it was just a GOP witch hunt. I wonder if he will apply his strong condemnation to his own party now. Doubtful. Because it's all politics, as Aquila previously posted. While JD believed the GOP was being partisan in its investigation of Clinton, I doubt he believes the same of the Dems.

What is becoming clear is the Dems are worried they have opened Pandora's box and have done and become what they spent years condemning.

There was no Trump/Russia conspiracy. And finally the Dems are beginning to admit it.
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