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Old 01-29-2017, 11:32 PM
peter83 peter83 is offline
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Re: question about pastors salary

Originally Posted by wire2john View Post
This sounds like the way most churches do it, how does it square with tithing doctrine though? My understanding of tithing is that 10% of income is owed to the pastor personally.
If belongs to the pastor how then will the work of God will be? planting churches etc?
I know the bible says that preachers can live from the gospel.But this comfuze me some times.
Also in my old trinitarian church they have it like "law" no tithes and pastors do not get paid.And i found it helpful and reasonable.
I know some say this others says that for this theme but i just wanted to know where money goes. I do not have problem to pay even if you call it tithe or offering but i have a shame say to somebody here in Greece who is suffer under crisis "pay your tithes".
All offerings in new testament went to the gospel and the poor.How i can say to the poor give? I feel like we must give him.
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