Re: What does it mean to be a conservative?
Originally Posted by wire2john
Wow, this is really ugly, vicious, and beneath an evangelist...but I still love you anyway! To be honest, you remind me of myself before God humbled me in 2009. But nevertheless, I will resist the temptation to share insights with you in the future, since you find my commentary both worthless AND incendiary, lol.
Oh, did I fail to mention that liberals are ugly, and vicious but mask it under an intellectual blanket? Instead of moving along with the conversation they make their own comments which are just as sharp, but follow them with a kiss on the cheek. Ah, a little like the garden of Gethsemane arrest scene. But hey, they were once like the Neanderthal, but God blessed them to become Cromagnon complete with Hawaiian shirt, cargo shorts, Ray Bans, and flip flops.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence