Re: What does it mean to be a conservative?
Originally Posted by wire2john
I think that is a fair if lengthy explanation; Solomon makes the same point in Ecclesiastes 8:17. So, since we agree that even the Godliest among us are operating with an incomplete (and possibly even flawed) understanding of the world around them, it is my desire and great joy to offer new insights, when I can, to expand the scope of someone's knowledge, which in turn expands their understanding. Do you understand now what I meant by "expand understanding"?
I don't think you understand the situation. While you may believe you have great insight, while others who are conservatives are merely Neanderthals scratching their hindquarters. You aren't expanding anyone's understanding, but driving them farther away from your point of view. Every man's own perception is his reality. So, while you wax philosophically on a forum concerning liberalism. Others are dealing with what they see scripturally. Philosophy and the Bible are diametrically opposed.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence