Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Listen, why don't you tell everyone here what you told me?
It's odd that you have a thread called your testimony but feel that you should of testify concerning your doctrine in secret?
Come on, tell everyone about speaking in other tongues as God gives the utterance. Also water baptism where the one baptizing you says Jesus instead of father, son, and Holy Ghost.
Do not shout on me?
That is not good for you or me ..
i don't speak tongues..
i have water baptism... immersion.. not sprinkling ..
I believe in Jesus he is God, creator, savior and Lord to me
John 1:1 word was God
John 1:14 word made flesh.. He is Jesus..
i believe in one God.. He is Jesus..
pl end this shouting.. this is all for now.. God bless you