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Old 10-19-2016, 09:21 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

Join Date: Dec 2013
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Re: Have you changed?

i know it's painful, and i apologize for that. but you have a perception here that is not universal, and you might seek other opinions. For instance the last two posts, which i am not trying to sword fight with you right now, but notice that i just asked an unbiased question, and just want a plain answer, i am not twisting anything. i am trying to develop that i have no interest in forcibly changing your beliefs--as that is up to you, to decide what you believe--but that beliefs have consequences. innocent--well--people die every day because of your beliefs, MB, unlike with many other peoples' beliefs; because your beliefs represent a unique perspective in history. There are no Hare Krishnas in Congress. Have a good day.
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