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Old 09-22-2016, 09:40 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Hillary Supporters Should Be Worried

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
I'm sorry I'm only now reading this.

First, there are PLENTY of public servants who honorably and admirably serve their country for decades and don't acquire a scintilla of disrepute like that of the Clintons. Shoot---President Obama, the Bushes, President Carter, President Ford, et al haven't come even close to the universe of corruption that is uniquely occupied by Bill and Hillary. There is no way that somehow, some way every area of corruption and deception surrounding the Clintons is the product of conspiracies and political enemies. At some point the weight of evidence demands the verdict that these people are rotten to the core to a degree unparalleled in U.S. history.
I'm not saying that the Clintons have never engaged in dirty politics. I'm not saying that they are perfect people. I've only met them once, and that was back in the mid 90's. They seemed like nice, ordinary, people - polite and well mannered. I had family that knew them though, and those family members were good people and never seriously criticized the Clintons unless they felt the Clintons were compromising with conservatives.

The way I see it is like this... every couple years a new "scandal" involving either Bill or Hillary. However, in 30 years NOTHING has been able to stick. Now, either all the scandalous charges are part of a public smear campaign designed to damage their reputation (it is a known political tactic).... or the Republicans are the most idiotic band of buffoons who are incapable of discovery on the issues. When bipartisan committees review all possible evidence of wrong doing and let you go every time, in 30 years, c'mon, it's a witch-hunt. In 30 years.... something would have stuck. So, I don't believe the charges. I know that in America you're innocent until proven guilty. To this date every court, bipartisan committee, review panel, etc. has failed to find legal evidence that Hillary is guilty of a single criminal act. If they are so corrupt, and it's obvious, prove it. That's what America is about. Nothing has been proven because nothing can be proven. They are baseless lies or exaggerations.

Donald Trump is appealing to many Americans in large part because he HASN'T held public office. Americans are weary of the political class, the established politicians who really don't accomplish much except for protecting their own power structure. Washington is a cesspool of incestuous relationships that has failed the common man, motivated by self preservation and enrichment. People aren't supporting Trump because he has done anything for them, it's because the political elites have done very little FOR most Americans, but rather have done much AGAINST most Americans. Big Government is bloated, overreaching, intrusive, counter productive and self defeating. Trump says what many Americans feel. Trump promises to upend the status quo. Trump promises to be decisive and strong. Trump promises to get important things done.
I can understand. However, we're dealing with the most powerful office on earth. First, on the domestic front you need relationships and contacts within Congress to get anything done. You also need to know how the process works, who the movers and shakers are, etc., etc. Also, if a man has no experience, how can he make any promises to make any changes? He'll be at the mercy of special interests groups and lobbyists who promise to make him look good and offer special deals to him to get things done, things that benefit them of course. Also, the President deals with international issues. You need to know WHY we need to be full partners with the NATO alliance. You need to know which countries are out to exploit your ignorance and lack of experience for their own gain, like Russia. You need to know the behind the scene stories of which nations are really not our friends despite what they tell media. You need to be able to weigh your words carefully, one false statement and you could cause an international incident. For example, after Trump began repeatedly asking about the use of nuclear weapons, North Korea stepped up their nuclear testing and regional posturing. Russia became emboldened to rant about how dangerous America is to the world's stability. And other nuclear powers started wondering why such language would be acceptable when if they were reported as having said anything of that nature they might face severe political fallout or sanctions. When Hillary was serving as Secretary of State, she dew a hard line with Russia and their military operations within the Ukraine by calling to order the NATO alliance. Putin cozies up to Trump (knowing that some of Trump's biggest investors are in Russia) and the next thing you know, Trump is saying that he'd consider not abiding by our current arrangement with NATO. The office of President isn't a mayoral office. One needs real knowledge and experience to navigate those waters well. Trump isn't even President yet and the NATO alliance is weakened. Why? Because if Trump isn't going to stand by our previous treaties with NATO, why should any other NATO nation abide by them? The alliance is weakened and our enemies have reason to believe that if they play their hand right, they can avoid facing any backlash from NATO. If he were running for mayor, a State Senate seat, or maybe even a governor's office (but that's stretching it), I might agree with you. But to elect a President without experience is downright dangerous.

While Trump has never held public office, dealt with international military relations, or dealt with the legislative process, he has a history in business. Trump has 8 epic business failures. He has a scandalous racket with Trump University. Trump has filed bankruptcy in business four times. Trump has had over 3,000 lawsuits filed against him for everything from not paying contactors, to violating contracts, to even misappropriating charitable funds. There are three lawsuits against Trump University for fraudulent claims. He's been sued by the Justice Department for discrimination. And he's settled real-estate lawsuits, and even an attempted rape lawsuit, out of court. Trump has tried his best to avoid any oversight or appearances in court. While Hillary has all kinds of outlandish accusations against her... she's been repeatedly reviewed, investigated, and cleared. Trump has an ocean of lawsuits, and even criminal charges, which he seeks to settle out of court to avoid any review or criminal convictions. Essentially, Trump is a billionaire playboy who is used to buying his way out of every charge and accusation against him. Interestingly, even Hillary Clinton doesn't have a track record this bad. Yet everyone believes she has to be more corrupt than Trump. Dig into the details. Critique Trump. Go after him and study his history like one looking to dig up dirt. With Hillary, you'll find crazy conspiracy stories off of right wing websites and conspiracy sites like InfoWars. You'll find nothing serious in the public record. But Trump.... you'll be shocked. This one is a good start:
Why the Donald Trump child rape lawsuit is credible and can’t be dismissed
Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit: Did He Abuse a 13 Year Old Girl? Facts To Know About the Child Rape Case
A billionaire playboy, who compliments a good friend who is a pedophile. A billionaire playboy with a history of misogyny and abuse. I'm typically not hateful about anyone's sexuality or sexual proclivities. It's really their private business as long as it is between consensual adults. But Donald Trump might very well be a billionaire pedophile. That, I cannot stomach.

So, even if we imagine that the worst accusation against each of these candidates is true, you'd have:
1.) Hillary - Murder
2.) Trump - Child Rape
Nope, even if we assume the worst of each, Hillary still comes out as being better than Trump.

Frankly, when Trump's business experience and personal history is truly compared to Hillary... I think Hillary clearly is the better candidate. But your average American knows nothing about Donald Trump, so the illusion is that Hillary has the worst history.

I'm happy for your daughter, that she received the help she needs. If that is your motivation for supporting Hillary, I understand. However, for any good that can be pointed to for the support of Hillary, you have many, many disturbing facts and tendencies that cause many Americans discomfort that this woman will be the most powerful person on the planet. The pattern of selling their influence and pay for play from their days in Little Rock to the Bill Clinton White House, from the Clinton Foundation to the State Department, it seems these people have no conscience, no soul, no moral fiber.
Every politician has worked out deals like pay for play. It's not uncommon. Is it ethical? I don't think so, but it is politics. Every other accusation has been repeatedly reviewed and dismissed. So, the accusations against her evaporate and go on being repeated on conspiracy websites. But her actual contributions to the political process has brought real world help for me and my family. Myth & Conspiracy vs. Realty.

Donald Trump is far from an ideal candidate, but by comparison, there is no question who many Americans will vote for, and I believe he is going to win.
Are you really comparing? I mean, really comparing?

Last edited by Aquila; 09-22-2016 at 11:14 AM.
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