Originally Posted by Jason B
True, but certainly the law can and does enable them. What exactly is the purpose of civil law except to restrain sin in the unregernerate, else all would be total chaos. ( Rom 13)
Why doesn't the Law of Moses specifically condemn abortifacients as other ancient law codes do?
Making something illegal will never keep all people from doing it, but having laws against something serves as a deterrent.
When we say abortion is ok, gay marriage is ok, marijuana is ok, gambling, porn, adultery, alcohol, etc are all ok, we simply take the restraints off the unregenerate and reap the pain in our society.
Actually, the nations with the lowest abortion rates are progressive nations that are pro-choice, pro-birth control, pro-sex education, and provide universal healthcare. Those nations with the highest abortion rates (based on maternal morbidity alone) are typically nations wherein abortion is prohibited and other progressive policies are not in place.
Broken families, teen pregnancies (typically resulting in more broken families, children raised in poverty, and poor education, substance abuse, sexual abuse, prison time, etc), suicides, venereal diseases, overdoses, alcohol related deaths, etc, etc. We are destroying ourselves in the name of liberty and freedom and choice. And how any Christian can't see this, baffles me.
America leads the world in nearly all of these terrible social issues. We one of the Westernized nations who has the most incarcerated citizens (I think we're like 2nd only to China). However, most other Westernized countries wherein they've adopted progressive policies towards healthcare, abortion, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, etc. have not only lower incarceration rates, lower crime, and lower poverty, but they rank higher in education, health, and overall happiness of their citizens. In December, Forbes magazine reported that Denmark was currently the preferred nation for corporations to do business in. Out of the time five nations I believe four were European. So, many of our corporations are doing business in, or are moving to, to Denmark. A number of corporations report that with health insurance premiums so high in the U.S., it's cheaper to entirely wash their hands of negotiating and providing employ health insurance and just pay into the shared taxation that supports the national healthcare system of Denmark.
My fiancé lived in Europe for several years. She lived in Ely (UK), Brussels (Belgium), and Amsterdam (Netherlands). She said that Brussels was very nice, as was Amsterdam. When coming back to the United Stats, she said it was like traveling backwards in time or into a dystopian society overrun with trash, pollution, noise, advertising, and crumbling roads and bridges. She said it shocked her how dirty, run-down, and out of date things are here in the United States.
Bro.... we need to catch up with the rest of Western Civilization. We don't need to lag behind and become a banana republic like Brazil. We need a progressive agenda.