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Old 08-09-2016, 04:41 PM
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Re: Christ and salvation in the Old Covenant worsh

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Here's a little thought.

The veil in the temple and tabernacle had the images of cherubims sewn into it, and this shows the barrier of the Garden of Eden that was blocked by cherubims and the flaming sword.

When Jesus died, the veil ripped. This showed Christ's death and our faith in it as our means of salvation removes the barrier that blocked man from the tree of life. We can enter this place of kingdom again because of the cross. That is why Jesus called this the kingdom of God/heaven.

And we WORSHIP by going past the veil into the presence of God in the holiest, for that is where we need to dwell -- in the secret (veiled to unsaved) place of the most high.
In the veil being torn asunder, it exposed for everyone to see that the Most Holy Place was completely empty. Thus, Christ showed that there was no Presence of God and no Righteousness to be found in the old covenant, one has to be in the new covenant.
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