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Old 02-25-2016, 11:13 AM
n david n david is offline
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Rubbish. The "polling" was done by PPP, which is the worst of the worst. Outright bottom feeders who skew numbers and manipulate data to serve their Democratic Party masters.

Don't take it from me, though. The NYTimes gives a warning itself about PPP.

"""But first, two caveats about these data are worth bearing in mind. The national YouGov survey was done near the middle of January, before the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries. Public Policy Polling is a company aligned with the Democratic Party, and some of its results over the years have been..suspected of bias."""

"""Throughout its seemingly successful run, PPP used amateurish weighting techniques that distorted its samples--embracing a unique, ad hoc philosophy that, time and time again, seemed to save PPP from producing outlying results. The end result is unscientific and unsettling."""
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