Originally Posted by jfrog
I don't know about uncut hair or veils from 1 Corinthians 11 but it is clear that long hair on a woman is a good thing and that short hair on a man is a good thing.
14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
Hair is not a sin issue. It's a shame vs. glory issue.
It is a shame issue? A shame to who the woman or the woman's head? For a woman to cut her hair she dishonor's her head(husband and God). If you dishonor God is it sin. This has so much to do with the roles of male and female that God has ordained. the word for "long hair" in the greek means to let it grow; to trim is not to let it grow.
If God tells us for women to have long hair and men to have short hair should we look for the minimums. How long or how short? Instead of walking the line wouldn't we want to live at the highest possible standard.
1 Cor 11 is not culture, but an ordinance. The reason women want to cut there hair today is culture. the reason ladies today wear pants is because of culture. Paul commanded long hair on a woman and short hair on a man not because of the culture, but because it was to be an ordinance for us to follow. No doubt, to give honor to the gender distinctions that God has ordained.