Thread: Uncut Hair
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Old 12-22-2015, 09:24 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
The part of Corinthians 11 that is up for debate to me is, should a woman wear a veil? The part about a woman not shaving or shearing (cutting) her hair is clear. Whether or not it is salvation issue is for God to decide. I would not want to allow things in my life that is contrary to the word of God.
A salvation issue, seriously?

Ww think its heinous and repulsive to the highest heaven that ISIS chops off peoples heads and burns them alive......

But then some of y'all believe God will punish a lady who trimmed her hair in her lifetime in hellfire without a moment of relief for not thousands, nor millions, or billions, or trillions of years, but all eternity.

Yah I'm pretty sure its not a salvation issue (nor even a sin), if we read the same Bible.

Of course the people who are most adamant about this (eg Steve Epley) not only won't allow a man to have a beard, but willfully disobey and ignore the plain command NOT to shave. And don't even come back at me and say "that's under the law" when the exact same people use Duet 22:5 as their go to proof text second only to Acts 2:38.
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