Originally Posted by Sabby
I came to the Lord in the mid-70's and my end-time beliefs were formed by Lindsey's book, The Late, Great Planet Earth.
I went to Europe in the military shortly thereafter and had pastors that taught a historicist/partial preterist point of view.
During my years in (UPC) bible school I had to take apart both positions to come up with what I thought was the scriptural "intent" on the end of time.
The natural progression of secularism has led to less Christian influence in America; I don't conflate our crumbling culture as a symptom of a nearing Tribulation. We have real martyrs in the middle east.
Jesus said, "...no many knows" and that is what I have come up with. So I live my life as a child of the One whose train will one day arrive at the station. No matter what your end time belief may be, just BE AT THE STATION when He returns with your lamp bright, full of oil and wicks trimmed. Be ready.
Sean is not interested in discussing your question. He is willing to slam anyone that doesn't think like he does.
I believe what I believe. Jesus is going to literally return again.
While I agree with your assessment of tradition, I strongly disagree with relegating it all to "Whatever happens happens," because the Lord spent a huge part of the entire bible talking about prophecy. So he expects us to study it and learn the truth.
I think the reason so many think we cannot really know, so let's just be happy that whatever is true will happen, without knowing what it will be, is the fact that the issue covers SO MUCH BIBLE that it takes months maybe years to sort it out and people just don't take that time to do it. That's also why the average preacher won't even deal with it, and they think there are experts whom they will rely upon to study it for them, so they don't have to.
So, I agree Sean won't deal with it honestly.
But I cannot agree with it being sufficient to just believe Jesus is coming back whenever, either. If that is how we should think, then God wasted entire biblical chapters and even some biblical books on us, since we're not getting into them at all.