Originally Posted by Reader
Sean, thanks for lacking the self control needed to allow some other to share their stories without your belittling comments.  It is so much appreciated.
Benincasa, would you care to share on my original question?
Thanks again to all for sharing.
I was Mr Non-Dispensational Post Trib Rapture.
I remember while I was Bible studying (in my younger days) and I saw the NAME in
Matthew 28:19! I thought I found the Holy Grail, I told everyone I knew that the NAME was JESUS! All power was given to Him in Heaven and on Earth! But the Trinitarians I knew who said I was their brother, and the loved me, soon showed me the right foot of fellowship. I was shocked when one individual (Holiness Church of God) preacher told me "that doctrine is straight from the PIT! I Bible studied with my old Trinitarian buds, and some converted, but others get ugly, and said they didn't want any part of the damnable doctrine I was getting into. I love the Apostolic message and today when we baptized a young lady in Jesus name, it was wonderful to see the Holy Ghost all over her as she came up out of the water, and her mother who prayed for her alongside the baptistry speaking in tongues because she prayed so hard and long for her daughter. I love that Jesus name baptism and the wonderful power of the Holy Ghost. How it changes hearts and lives.