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Old 07-25-2015, 07:13 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Sister, it isn't his cup of tea as far as foreign policy would be concerned. He knew before time what was going to happened? Sister look at the video again, and again, pause it, rewind, pause, slow it down if need be. The Senator makes his comment and you can see on his face that he didn't believe he would receive the response he got. Sister he is use to speaking to a room jam packed n full of John Hagees all swimming neck deep in Christian Zionism. He was speaking to a room full of Eastern Orthodox, Maronite, Coptic, and Catholic believers, bishops and priests from the Middle East. This might come as a shock to you but these people don't see Israel as a religious entity, or that modern Israel has anything to do with the Bible. They are actually horrified when they hear American Evangelicals swoon over the mention of Israel. You heard that Ted wasn't supposed to speak about Israel? Seriously? Which Orthodox Christian group has ties Hezbollah? Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch? Are you talking about the Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai? Is that who you are accusing of having ties to Hezbollah?

Senator Cruz, needs to sit down and find out what he would like to do with his future. If you go to speak to a room filled with Eastern Orthodox Greeks, Serbians, Copts, and Maronites, you better FIRST find out what they believe. Secondly, learn how and who they have to deal with on their home turf, whether it is Lebanese Maronites dealing with Hezbollah, or Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem who have to deal with Israel, and Hamas. Really try to figure out that they don't see Israel of Benjamin Netanyahu has Biblically based. Sorry, but their churches are far older than Charles Nelson Darby, and C. I. Scofield. These groups have lived, and worshipped in the Middle East long before there was ever a United States of America.

Did he drop the watermelon? But of course he did. He could of handled it slightly better, and didn't have to bowl over the whole room looking for a Jewish vote. I mean sister, that was a mess, he could of tried to command the room, but he truly believed he was speaking to a group of evangelicals, who believe that Israel must be defended to the very last drop of American blood, also if Israel isn't supported then we incur a pox upon us? They just don't happen to believe that, and let me tell you they were applauding him, when he went down the list of terrorist groups they still had his back, they just don't equate modern Israel with Judaism. I don't even think Ted Cruz would know a Neturi Karta Jew if they fell on him. Especially after listening to the immaturity of the speech to the Defense of Christians group.

Sorry, but sister, he doesn't stand a snowballs chance.
Ummm, let's look a little closer at this issue. Cruz walks into a meeting with a group called - "In Defense of Christians" and he gets booed for saying that bigotry, even anti-semitism is a problem, but YOUR problem is Ted Cruz and not this crowd of bigots? Are you serious?

The fact is that many Mideast Christians are Arab nationalists. Of course they hate Israel.

One of the backers, to this group, has given to Clinton's Global Initiative. His name is Gilbert Chagoury. He is a billionaire and happens to be a backer of Lebanese politician Michel Aoun. That is Hezbollah’s top Christian ally in the country.

Another backer is Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Raď. He has made the comment regarding Israel being an "enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory”.

And another, Orthodox Church Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, who had a picture on his Facebook page standing with some high level delegates to Hezbollah.

So, again, Sen. Ted Cruz knows exactly what he is doing.

I'm sorry that you defend these people. I am glad that Ted Cruz does not.
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