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Old 02-21-2007, 11:01 PM
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Trouvere Trouvere is offline
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I look more to the scriptures that speak of us calling him ABBA.We are adopted sons and daughters.I don't see God as my husband.A husband makes a poor substitute for God anyway.God never fails whereas man always does in one way or the other.But a father has much more responsibility toward a daughter than a husband does a wife.He raises her through the vunerable times and protects her.
A husband in this day and time who could fill those big shoes would be rare.I know it is preached in pentecost that He is our husband but I think it stands more in committment.God cannot take the place of a physical husband.He can though be the father you go to when the world has let you down or you have a need.
I have to admit I disagree with the notion that is being preached in churches around the globe that Jesus is our lover.That is not the level He is on.He is on a higher plane than that.
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