Originally Posted by Jito463
Agreed. Regardless of what was said (which may or may not be appropriate, but didn't appear to be abuse either way), it was completely inappropriate to post private conversations - that were intended to be kept private - in a public forum.
I call that this thread should be locked, and the original posts be deleted.
Of course you do, because we would never want to expose how warped the system is, right?
It never fails.
1. On forums such as this we're told, over and over, that the type of behavior exhibited in the screen shots is rare, or non-existent.
2. Someone is given access to such behavior, deletes the names of those involved, and posts the evidence.
3. Those who deny this type of behavior happens immediately bash the person who dared submit the evidence, and call for the evidence to be deleted.
None of this is surprising...not the fact that pastors hide behind internet walls and discuss situations that should be confidential, not the fact that some pastors are controlling dictators who value legacy over people, and not the fact that they are willing to destroy anyone who realizes as much.