Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
I think in this discussion of women preachers, that we also need to look at how headship is abused, both by men and women alike.
Obviously, you can't read the book of Proverbs without being aware of the dangers of a loud, bossy woman who dominates everything.
But there is another side too, that is just as sad... and that is an authoritative man who thinks his wife and family are his servants, and who basically uses God's principles unjustly, and who rules with an iron fist, abusing and terrorizing his family.
Both sets of extremes are wrong, and cause terrible sadness and misery.
I hope those reading this thread realize that the kind of headship with husband and wife we are talking about, and the kind of leadership roles that males will lead in, does not give them the right to abuse that leadership position/role, whether it be as a husband, or as a leader, and to become authoritative, and demanding in their leadership.
The principle of Christ and the church applies so beautifully to how things should be... but human nature deviates very quickly to opposite ends of the spectrum, which has caused a bitter taste for many when seeing such roles abused.
Over 26 years ago a friend asked me these questions: “Do you want your wife to obey you? Do you want her to be in submission to you?” I answered him, “Of course; that’s what the Bible says she must do!” My friend responded, “So you want her to follow your leadership?” “Yes!” I responded. “Okay,” my friend smiled, “what does the Bible say you must be to be the ‘leader’ or the ‘greatest’ in God’s kingdom?” Oh, brother, I didn’t want to answer that and he knew it. He asked again, “What does the Word say?” I finally answered, “It says you must be the least of all.” “So then,” he said, “if you want her to obey you, you must first serve her.” I knew he was right because he had the Bible to back him up.
So, serving others is the key to having peace and Christian leadership in the home and in the church…and it is a man's responsibility to make it happen. This doesn't mean a man does not conduct themselves like a man. Instead, it means they conduct themselves as a man who’s led by Jesus Christ. (See
Mat 20:27-28,
Mat 23:11;
Mark 9:35,
Mark 10:44;
Eph 5:25-28;
Col 3:19;
1 Pet 3:7).
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere.
-DD Benincasa, 12/06/03