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Old 06-06-2015, 01:50 AM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

*Enough biblical, exegetical, syntactical & grammatical data has been posted on this thread to convince anyone with a sincere & honest heart on this issue....& trust me, I have a *TON* of more lexical information on the topic should anyone need it .

*How anyone could read the Bible (& feign knowledge of Koine') & conclude that God calls women to "preach" in the church is absolutely mind-boggling to me (& many other pastors I know)....and dishonest with the Bible. The Bible indicates it's a "shame" (I Cor. 14.35) - same Greek adjective (αἰσχρὸν) as used regarding the hair issue in I Cor. 11.6 with the meaning "disgraceful." Why seize on the hair issue, then loosen the grip on this has the same force?

*Since Elder Epley inquired about women who have recanted on the matter, I thought of someone I know. I once attempted to pastor a lady who was a "woman-preacher," but she recanted after I wrote a rejoinder to a well-known pastor's book & demonstrated his outright gross error & factual mistakes. She even used to argue down them that believed in "women preachers" after she recanted (I had much respect for her at that time for her biblical integrity).

*However, she never got the "woman-preacher" spirit out of her & even though she was not "preaching" while I pastored her - she still gave me constant fits & was a trouble saint. I watched the next pastor after I resigned to see if she would give him trouble also (she has given the one before me trouble also). One night he came to me & said, "She's running us crazy & she clearly wants to be the pastor of the church!"

*She finally left (of course her husband obediently following along) & found a "pastor" who would use her in the pulpit . As thephnxman said, she simply searched until she found a pastor who would allow her to violate God's Word. Guess what? Now this pastor is the best thing since sliced-bread to her (though she gave at least 4 pastors before him trouble) - go figure .

*Not at all to slander anyone & in some areas this lady has good qualities, but ohhhh the true stories I could tell - would absolutely blow your mind.

*Scripture commands me to withdraw myself from those who live in such flagrant, open-rebellion to God's Word (e.g., I Cor. 5; 2 Thess. 3.6 {see the force of the Greek adverb ἀτάκτως}) - hence, it is a fellowship issue for us.

*Headship violation & a disrupture of the order of creation is a serious matter in God's economy (e.g., Lucifer, Adam, Abraham)...& there are always major consequences when it happens: Lucifer was cast down when he said "I will ascend," sin entered the world when Adam submitted himself to Eve, the Arab nation (& hence, Muslims...think 9-11) entered the world because of Abraham obeying Sarah regarding Hagar. Yes, it is a very serious matter.

*Why then would God fill someone with the Holy Ghost when a woman is "preaching" or use her in some other means? Easy - for the same reason the water flowed when Moses struck the rock. For the greater need of the thirst of the people, not because the messenger was right in his actions. And, water is a type of God's Word in the Bible (Eph. 5.26-27). These things happened unto them as examples to the church. Moses did not enter the promised land for his flagrant disobedience - there will always be consequences for rebellion to God's Word.

*I honestly frequently pray that God will bring "women-preachers" in the church to repentance. May God-speed !
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Last edited by rdp; 06-06-2015 at 02:23 AM.
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