Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?
Since we are talking about Paul... the following is my personal opinion. It should not be treated as doctrinal. however for me it has been very instructive and provides a great deal of HOPE for me.
When Paul spoke of his "thorn in the flesh" and God's reply was that his Grace was sufficient. I believe that thorn was Paul's unbending nature.
When you consider the fact that he broke with Barnabas over Barnabas's commitment to John Mark and Pauls exacerbation over Marks whining, and Paul breaking with Peter of demands that the gentiles act like Jews...
It seems to me that Paul rubbed people the wrong way and it affected him.
I also believe that the Grace of God did not simply leave Paul alone but as he said in Titus, it TAUGHT Him.
we find Paul at the end of his life making the request "bring John Mark to me for he is profitable to me".
I believe Paul became a different person over the course of his life.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!