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Old 05-27-2015, 08:40 AM
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Re: Ted Cruz supports TPP

Why Ted Cruz is Right on TPA

It has been said that politics makes strange bedfellows. Well, there is no finer example of that statement than the recent votes on the Trade Promotion Authority. Free trade has long been advanced by conservatives who understand the need to expand our markets beyond our borders. On the other side stands the democrats and the radical left who fear competition and doubt America’s exceptionalism. Yesterday, the Senate cleared the 60 vote hurdle to bring the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) up for a vote. I for one, welcome President Obama to the side of common sense solutions, to help solve the economic disaster that his domestic policies have created. I only wish that he would use that common sense more often.

If you have listened to Ted Cruz speak on the economy, you will hear him promote the idea of free trade. One of the many reasons I support Ted Cruz for President is his common sense solutions to solve America’s economic problems. America has experienced a trade deficit for as long as I can remember. A large part of that stems from poorly negotiated trade deals in the past, high tariffs being placed on American products by foreign governments, and currency manipulation. The TPA is a step in the right direction to resolve many of the trade imbalance issues and will provide a set of strict guidelines for negotiations.

What exactly is TPA or fast track? I am glad you’ve asked. Trade Promotion Authority, TPA, and Fast Track all refer to the same piece of legislation. First, it is important to note that TPA is not a trade agreement in and of itself, but rather Congress establishing a set of requirements that the President must follow in every trade deal he submits through the TPA “fast track” legislation. By Congress authorizing this legislation they are able to have a part in the terms of the negotiations that take place with foreign governments. In addition to controlling the outline of any trade deal, they are able to force the President to share with them the details of any trade deals as he is negotiating. There are many opportunities for Congress to read and be involved in these negotiations if they really had a desire. There is also a requirement for public summaries to be released throughout the process of the negotiations. Once the trade agreement is completed it must be made available to the public before Congress is able to vote on it.

Without the TPA the President is able to negotiate any trade deal without any input from Congress or the American people. Even more alarming the President has the authority to conduct these negotiations in secret and only make them public when he submits them to Congress for approval. Once in Congress the process of buying votes and adding poison pills to the legislation corrupts the entire process. If we know anything about Washington, it is that its corruption runs deeper than the oceans. For these reasons previous Congress, both democratic and republican, have authorized “fast track” legislation.

As with anything in politics there are groups who, in an effort to promote their ideology of isolationism, will put out misinformation in order to derail legislation that they oppose. As with anything you read or hear about legislation coming out of Washington, familiarize yourself with not only the facts of the legislation, but any potential bias or agenda the author may be hiding.
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