Sen. Cruz: Congress Must Prohibit Obama From Abusing TPA to Change Immigration Law
Cruz files amendment to Trade Promotion Authority legislation
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today filed an amendment to the Trade Act of 2015 to lock in assurances that this legislation cannot be used to change federal immigration law.
"The Obama Administration has repeatedly assured Members of Congress that there is nothing in the Trade Act of 2015 that would allow the President to unilaterally make changes to federal immigration laws. I agree, and we should put it in writing and make it binding law," said Sen. Cruz. "I am a strong supporter of free trade, but I cannot support legislation that would allow the President to once again circumvent Congress to enact his own immigration laws. Since the Obama Administration has emphatically argued that TPA will not affect immigration, it should support this amendment, which makes that promise explicit."
The amendment states that nothing in the Trade Act of 2015 or in any trade agreement subject to the Act "shall alter or affect any law, regulation, or policy relating to immigration."
The amendment also states that any fast-track procedures shall not apply to any implementing bill submitted with respect to a trade agreement "that includes any provision that alters or affects any law, regulation, or policy relating to immigration."