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Old 05-07-2015, 10:16 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
So you say PAUL WAS INEPT? You dent the teachings of Paul? I quoted Jesus, too! But you never responded to the words I quoted as you don't respond to Paul's. And you say YOU AGREE with the Bible? Thanks for confessing you disagree with the Bible.

Paul said this as well:

1Co 14:37 KJV If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Do you deny that?

No one's upset. And you left out context in the teachings where righteousness for salvation is given freely without good deeds by faith in the work of the cross. I said it again and again why you miss context. Are you not reading?

Look at Jesus' words:
Joh 6:28-29 KJV Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? (29) Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
Do you believe God SENT HIS "SON" and that Jesus is "God's SON" and He sent Him to die and resurrect?

You are not reading. I am asking you guys to show me what these verses ARE saying, and you never seem to do that. I am asking. Show me where I am wrong and why and how from the verses I am quoting. Anyone can SAY a person is wrong about the verse and it's THEIR PERSONAL interpretation of it, but never say what it is ACTUALLY saying.

I challenge you to say what those verses ARE saying, something you and Shazeep are repeatedly avoiding to do.

So, ,you disagree with the parts of the Bible. You say the epistles CONTRADICT what Jesus taught.

Joh 6:28-29 KJV Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? (29) Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

What about those verses above?

I answered them. I told you good works are needful in their proper place, which place I showed you was AFTER one is saved by Christ's work of the cross. Now I showed you what Jesus said THAT is exactly what Paul agreed with in the verses I quoted.

If you believe Jesus' words, did you drink deadly poison to prove you are a true follower of His words? Show me the video. You took that out of context, .... .again.

It's like Paul taking up a serpent and it biting but not killing him in Acts. So, by the way YOU handle those statements of Jesus, show me you're a follower.
You are not "saved" until you pass the test as judgment. This is a fallacy of (current) christian teaching. Turning "All Men" into "everyone but us".

I have always said that the bible has been corrupted and have provided columns of examples of this.

You ask me about Paul? Just on the issue of Paul's conversion there are three versions, the three versions are contradictory. The crucifixion stories are contradictory. The resurrection stories are contradictory. The entire book has to be taken as one message, what is attributed to God has to be set aside and carefully compared to what one is taught to do and be, and the contradictions weeded out. With that said, wsme of what Paul taught is valid and matches the rest of it, and some is not.

You seem upset that I do not agree with the teachings of Paul yet you summarily dismiss Paul's direction for ladies to keep silent in church and dismiss Paul's direction for ladies to cover their hair (neither of which we dismiss, albeit from our own book) and worse the church criticizes it when Muslims do it, as if it isn't written down in the new testament for you to also do it. In this you dent the teachings of Paul in your own ministry. Since you take yourselves to be under these teachings and claim that you must follow them for salvation and do not follow them is it not a bit hypocritical to capitalize your OMG UTTER SHOCK when e-speaking to me about it? Don't answer, I withdraw the question.

Your implication that a quiet note (several) to follow Jesus' actions and directions is interpreted as not believing and incorporating what Jesus taught into our religious practices is contradictory in itself. How in the world can you twist "exactly follow Jesus' actions and teachings" into such an accusation?

The first pillar of Islam is belief in One God, not shared, no room for another, no compromise. That statement traces all the way back to "Hear Oh Israel". Implicit in this is that no good works one can do can save anyone because it is required that all good works are done in serving Him, all results of those works attributed to Him. God has always required men to serve Him and attribute everything to Him, not to themselves or to each other. Minus this, I agree with you that deeds are not, in themselves, enough.