Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
The Quran and Islam do not teach many ways to God.
The Quran teaches that there is One God, not shared with any other
The Quran teaches that these things are mandatory:
Verbally declare that there is One God and (for Muslims only) Mohammed is a messenger
Zakat (charity)
I contend that Jesus taught nothing different and I completely reject the idea that everyone between the rise of the Roman Church and Azusa street "went to hell". I also believe that based on the condition of Christianity at the time of development of the Quran and the condition of the chirch today that the church turned away from what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed to conduct themselves and God picked the most backwards and ignorant group of people possible to clarify it.
All Muslims believe in Jesus. It is not enough to believe in Jesus and there is not a magic salvation formula. Conduct and what is due God is spelled out and it is clearly stated in both books that all men will be judged not by what they believed or how they looked but by their deeds. This is contradictory to following a magic formula which magically conveys the right to judge and condemn others. It is not contradictory to every single person declared righteous by God in every single book.
Are you trying to suggest that God turned away from the Jewish people and Christians to replace them with Mohammad and Islam?