Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
nice. i see that the trap is in believing that you have the only definition of this "one way," because it is defined in the NT in terms that you believe you have understood, when they are spiritual principles merely being described in a certain way. This allows one, should they seek it, to point at a passage and declare "see, this is the only way; the Bible says so," ignoring that there are other passages that indicate the "one way," some as simple as giving someone in need a drink of water.
and so those verses that you cherish, and believe you have comprehended, become stumbling blocks; as surely as some passages in the Qur'an might be. Combine this with the fact that great lengths are gone to, to instill fear that compromising your beliefs = compromising your faith, when the two are not coequal. God cares little for what you believe; which will notably undergo various changes throughout your life. Love is not what you say, it is what you do.
So while I'm sure you all think I'm being unduly harsh to unbelievers, and I'll admit to some judgement based upon my understanding of Scripture, also, please see that my position is for purposes of discussion. I really do not judge you in this matter, as it is a universal one of ego that i suffer from as well. It is the meaning of "Christ must increase, while i decrease." For that matter, for all your condemnation of Muslims, you might be perfectly loving to one in need; which is all that matters.