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Old 05-02-2015, 03:27 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Look, you also saw the photos and tweets. Nobody but a few know what he said about them on that minister forum but it was not ethical to use them to represent something he was doing without clearly stating so.

Yes, as you said awhile back, he can and it's legal. But it isn't ethical. That's my problem with it.

The rest of this is half playing and half disgust at who got picked to speak. That goes back to the Acacia days when I saw that Osama wife video and studied him (LS, not Acacia) like a bug. What he says, what he writes, what his sermons say.

We discuss passages out of both books from time to time, sometimes at length. We do not agree on the interpretation of these passages but there is a moral duty to take the words, break them down, and take them as they are without spinning something out of them that are not clearly written there.

That's my problem with him. That and he blew a chance to speak of tolerance and reconciliation and spun off topic in his message and somehow just being there is elevating him with a few here.
I didn't see any tweets and only a few photos posted here without captions

I dont see using other images as unethical when they are not copy written. I do see mis-representing them as something they are not as unethical but I am willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt that it was not their intent.

It could be just a case of thoughtlessness...which as evidenced from this topic, is quite common.
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