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Old 05-02-2015, 01:50 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Barb View Post
And we ALL agree. The stories are extreme. But caves and wives is not the main subject of this thread, or at least it wasn't until your rant.

And unanswered question:

Why does ANY of this matter to a Muslim?
This who deal is a good example of why I cautiously waded in with some skepticism

Why in the world do we need to shout and cheer for the fact LS was there? Does it validate us? Me personally I don't need validation. What is wrong with us if we feel we need it?

There has been a TON of exaggeration for years, which is why when I first saw this I actually kinda cringed. I KNEW the Devils Advocates would be out in force and maybe for good reason

The problem though, I see, is their side does not really have a healthy skepticism. Ask questions, examine facts. Let others come to conclusions
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