Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
***Edited to restore original post***
Untrue words came out of his mouth. Untrue words are lies. It is as simple as that.
Doubtless your admin knows this, it isn't like I did not specifically list all wives of record for the man before I compared it to what the minister said.
He could always retract. He won't. Do you know why? It takes humility and true men of God have that humility but men like this man do not.
This is what you call "anointing?" Huh? This minister is "anointed" when he speaks? Because I know one thing for sure - GOD does not need to make things up or speak through lies to do what God wants, only men do.
Quit defending and worshiping this false prophet.
Last edited by Praxeas; 05-01-2015 at 01:13 AM.