Originally Posted by jfrog
It seems to me that the problem with this picture comes from a lack of being clear and upfront with the first posting of it. Was that lack of clarity and lack of upfrontness done with an intent to deceive. I say only God knows the intent of the heart.
However, I do know it was very unwise to post pictures especially of events you were not actually a part of with little to no context about the picture.
I do know that in hindsight it seems such a simply thing to say that he should have realized that people would interpret a picture on his social media labeled service in the context of other posts about him having services at the UN church to be a picture of his service and not of someone elses.
So I understand why Wii called him a liar. Most people get called liars when they omit details that anyone in a similar circumstance would have known should be included to bring clarity to the situation.
I agree
He is paying dearly, his family took it hard. and they are trying learn from it..
mistakes were made on his part.. He admitted he was not wise.. I hope he can move on and continue the work he is doing and we can appreciate the amazing things we are seeing unfold