Originally Posted by n david
I'm friends with several Pastors/Evangelists who heard the Jewish Revival lie and told it to their congregations in spite of me cautioning them. They told me they knew the man and he was a District Superintendent and wouldn't lie about something like that.
After it came out that it was a lie, did I accuse them of lying? Of course not! Was I disappointed and upset they fell for the lie? Sure I was. But I don't question their credibility or character because they believed someone they knew, and trusted he was telling the truth.
Same with Stoneking. You can't judge him and say he lacks credibility or character simply because he believed someone he knew, and trusted this person was telling him the truth. And you certainly cannot accuse him of lying.
Originally Posted by n david
None that I read. He may have apologized individually to some people, but there was no apology posted of which I'm aware. Rev. Kenneth Haney was the General Superintendent when this happened. He sent a minister to speak with this man, and afterwards he sent a letter out to all the UPCI licensed ministers requesting they stop repeating the story because it was untrue.
Was I disappointed that once the truth was known my pastor at the time didn't tell the congregations it was false? Certainly!
And I will say honestly that when this kind of thing happens it makes most of what they say to me suspect...MOST if what they say.
The exception to this is when they are speaking directly from the Holy Bible...not their opinion of what it says, but what thus saith the Holy Word of God.
People make mistakes in judgment. We will take something we hear, and if repeated often enough, the story grows to the level that the individual believes it really did happen.
Just ask Brian Williams.
Why does this happen? To make ourselves seem more important than we are I suppose. Or in the case of the UPCI, perhaps it's to build up the faith of the saints, or to enlarge the importance of OUR organization over YOURS.
It's all silly, and certainly not edifying, but unfortunately it happens. The sorrow in this is that people take the stories told and elevate the minister OR saint to a level God never intended.
I don't have the remedy for this...wish I did because placing our complete trust in humanity instead of God is a dangerous place to be.