Originally Posted by Thinker
we already quoted wilson statement he said " he sees that it was not wise But his intentions were not to deceive"
I'm not worried about the rest. Why won't you answer my simple question?
What are the facts and captions and timelines regarding that picture.
So far the only timeline I have seen is Wii's?
1. There were posts on (facebook or twitter) regarding his ministry at the UN.
2. He then posted a picture that he labeled service which was actually a picture of a service that wasn't his. And really it all depends on context at this point. Was he posting this picture and making it clear that it wasn't his service? Or did he post the picture with no indicators that it wasn't of his service?
3. The next year a video that included highlights of his ministry was produced and that same picture was shown in that video. Was that picture indicated as being just a picture of the building he was preaching at? Or was nothing again stated to imply that this picture wasn't of his service?
4. Sometime around a year after the picture was first posted someone discovered that it was actually not a picture of his service and posted this fact.
5. He then apologized for "posting a picture" to show the church building where he was having his services at and stating that he realized that was a mistake?
Can you fill in the details and the few questions I have left and/or tell me where this timeline is wrong?