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Old 04-30-2015, 08:41 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
He preached that it happened. It did not. Therefore he preached about an untrue and imaginary event.
He believe it was true. He did not lie.

You cannot accuse a man of lying simply for repeating a story he was told by someone whom he knows and trusts. That is NOT lying.

You are libeling a man for simply believing something he was told and telling others about it.

You need to stop with this accusation. YOU are libeling and falsely accusing this man of lying.

I have no problem with you criticizing him for repeating a story without verifying the facts. But you cannot continue to claim he's a liar because of this.

Same with the story about the miners hearing voices from hell. That has been repeated by many ministers. None of them claimed to hear it themselves. Were they wrong for not verifying the story? Sure, they should have done more research. But are they lying about it? Absolutely not.

Admin should not allow you to continue libeling Stoneking like this.