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Old 04-30-2015, 07:30 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
My "fact" is dead bang on accurate. The UN does not own or operate that building. Whats next? A UN conference at a Manhatton Hotel makes that hotel an affiliate of the UN? LOL
So you're changing your argument now. First, you claimed the UN had nothing to do with the Chapel, but when I proved it did now you change your argument and say the UN doesn't own or operate the building. That was never the argument. You keep moving the goalposts.

You claimed Wilson captioned a photo as "my service." You put quotation marks around it, making it appear it was a direct quote. That was false.

Now you say it doesn't matter what the caption says. It does matter. You lied. You claimed it said something it did not say.

You claimed the Chapel had nothing to do with the UN. You were wrong. The Church Center for the United Nations is very much involved with ecumenical services, meetings, etc.

Now your argument is that it's not owned by the UN.