Originally Posted by Thinker
I totally agree
This Islam guy is a joke!!!!
HE POSTED HIS OWN PHOTOS - WHICH WERE MUCH BETTER and it was done without any of these guys on his back. It was right inline with what he is saying!!
But this Islam guy is on AFF to cause this kind of attack. He needs to be booted!!
Notice this Islam guy has posted lies about Wilson renting the chapel?? And has not posted one apology for his lies. Yet he accuses others.
This guy is ridiculous!!!
We are not talking about his photos. We are talking about re-titled photos that were not what the title said they were. The first words he spoke about those retitled photos were a day after somebody busted him. That's what dishonest people do. Lie and when caught start damage control.
If these preachers don't want to be attacked they shouldn't make up claims about imaginary converts and they shouldn't use Muslims in the example of their lies. Lee Stoneking's lying tongue is what brought me to this thread. Running into the Wilson thing was just an interesting accident LOL