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Old 02-19-2015, 09:35 AM
houstonupci houstonupci is offline
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Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
You can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. I can't make immediate judgments about someone's heart, but by paying attention to their life over a period of time I can discern whether or not they are trying to live for God. There is always a change. Some may be smaller at first, but it is progressive. Others all at once, but there is a change. I know some who come in and still stumble with bad habits, but I firmly believe that if they want God they will have victory. Also when someone makes up their mind they are going to quit something they will and they will do it cold turkey. I have met lots of smokers and some have tried gum, patches, e-cigarettes to wean their selves off. Very small success rate and those who do quit that way really did it themselves it was just mind over matter. When someone determines they are going to do something I believe they can. Including quiting the sin of homosexuality. No weaning necessary.
Homosexuality can only be overcome with God's Spirit. There is no "quitting" homosexuality.
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